How + Why You Should Have Your House Pressure Tested
You have thirty days from your date of enrollment to complete this course.
Houses are pressure tested to measure or verify performance. Any home can be pressure tested, whether new or existing.
This course is a recording of a live virtual meeting. We provide contact information at the end of the meeting in case you have a question and want to follow up with us.
Enroll now to learn:
How are homes are pressure tested?
Why should you consider having your home tested?
Who can conduct the test for you?
Are there mandatory building code requirements for testing?
Can a home under construction be tested?
Should you pressure test a home you’re thinking of buying?
Can multifamily properties be pressure tested?
Are there voluntary programs that include testing?
It’s important to understand pressure testing because you may encounter testing results in MLS input fields, home listings, home performance (heating/cooling) company sale pitches, home inspection reports and the energy code affidavit for a home.
This course will get you up to speed with an explanation using terms you can understand so you can immediately apply this information.
We hold frequent meetings so we have an opportunity to check in with you. We welcome your off-topic questions… related to architecture.
Got something you’re trying to figure out? Let us help!
This course is a recording of a live virtual meeting. We provide contact information at the end of the meeting in case you have a question and want to follow up with us.
Your Questions + Guidance
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Our courses are a transformative gift of education: we teach people how to enjoy more healthy, comfortable and efficient homes and communities. Our courses are appropriate for all ages and backgrounds: homeowners, students, professionals, etc.
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Course Instructor